Friday, April 16, 2010

After the birth: jogging my memory

Your first 2 months of life have been a full one. I had abandoned the idea of writing blogs because I'd rather spend the time with you kids. But there is real treasure in writing and keeping notes about things that I swore I would never forget. And to find them later and read them is so sweet.

Your middle name "Grace" is particularly important to me because God's grace is constant in my life. I need His grace to parent. And You are a gift of grace to me because of the timing of when you have entered our lives. This I will write about soon, but for now, just the first 2 months.

Breastfeeding really started with a breeze. You latched on within 2 hours and had many feeds. I had some "toe-curling" pain like the first moments twice before. But the fortunate thing about previous difficult experiences, is that I reaped the reward of experience. I didn't let you latch on too long if it hurt. I could hear the lactation nurse Jackie (that we paid $50 for!, but well worth the money) say, "A proper latch should not be toe-curling pain." I remember evaluating whether or not I was curling my toes or not. When I started to curl my toes, I would pull the side of your mouth to relieve the suction and start again. I also remembered the mommy friend of mine that lost a "piece" of her because she just pushed through and she was in so much pain and was so "beat up" from breastfeeding, she actually lost a piece of her! Ouch! I actually want to stay in one piece so I kept unlatching you until we got it right. You're a smart little cookie too, you got it right away. Someone thinking I am a mommy for the first time, might actually be deceived into thinking that breastfeeding is easy to get started.

Week 1, you surprised us all with a series of roll overs! I captured it on video and posted it to facebook to let our world to see. One person, Lily Taylor said, something to the effect that we should sign you up for Olympics 2030!

Ah the Olympics. That first week, I came home to plop myself in front of the TV and watch the Olympics the whole week, among other re-discovered shows like "What not to wear" and "Super Nanny". ...

to be continued

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