Saturday, May 22, 2010

first day trip

We finally did it.  We went for your first day trip... all the way to Hamilton!  It took us 30 minutes to get ready, burp cloths, bibs, pack n' play, diapers, extra outfits.  DVD player for Hannah & Elijah, books, snacks for the drive, bathing suit for just in case there is a sprinkler somewhere...

Every time I tried to put you down for a nap, you fought it.  Hollered and turned red.  So back downstairs we went.  It turned out that you were just happy to be around the action.  And you were not fussy.  So after a long day away, I have concluded that you are a social baby.  And we can take you anywhere!  And today, the day after, I took you to Hannah's music class.

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