Thursday, January 16, 2014

3 going on 13

You are turning 4 soon. As I look back on what I've written... I have missed two whole years.

Yet, I know that the lack of writing does NOT reflect the lack of love nor activity. Our house is one that is full of life. And you help fill our home with so much life my dear!

In the last week, somehow, I have felt that you've grown bigger.

This morning, as I was busying in the kitchen, you said "mommy! You're not responding to me!" Wow, "responding." That's a big word!

And when we were sitting on the green couch colouring you didn't want to move to the black table to colour. You propped your leg up and said, "look, I just cwoss my legs." And yup, you had your leg crossed and it held up the colouring book!

When I was putting away the mountain of laundry in our room. You just went to whatever drawer to put away the clothes. Following instructions like, "the top left drawer" or "the second drawer from the bottom" are so easy for you. Clearly, you are growing up.

As you stand next to the little babies, you are not little anymore.

This is why I don't mind it so much when Hannah offers to feed you. There are moments when we all just want you to be little. And then there are the rest of the days, you are just perfectly where you should be.

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