Sunday, November 14, 2010


I was just hanging around the "landing" area where you often stay when we are getting out the door.  It's at the bottom of the long stairs and at the top of the 2 steps from the main entrance.  Auntie Hope was around and I was just checking my email on my phone.  I looked up and you were standing on the first step, sort of rocking a little.  I looked up, looked back and my phone, and then looked up again in amazement! I almost missed the moment!  "Woa!! You just climbed your first step!" Ah, what to do.  Hold you so you don't fall forward!  Quick, go grab the camera.

I turned to Auntie Hope, "um, Hope can you hang on to her?"... I dashed for the camera.  But you turned around and just sort of slouched down beside Auntie Hope.  That first moment was not caught on film.  But it was caught on my memory.

So I then encouraged you to climb some more stairs by placing a toy a few steps up.  And step by step you went up the whole set of stairs.  The next day, you went up the entire set of 12 stairs without any incentive.  Or perhaps the incentive was the hinge piece for the baby gate at the top of the stairs.

You might be the third child, but each of these "firsts" still matter so much!  Each is a big deal!

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