Friday, December 3, 2010

9 months

Month 9 is coming to an end and 10 months is just around the corner!!

You are a fast moving baby!  I have been going to the YMCA almost every week day and Carla tells me almost every day that you like to play with the big kids.  Today she had to keep you "fenced" off because there were too many big kids where you usually like to hang out, crawl and just check things out.

You are babbling and babbling every day.  On our car rides, dropping off H & E and Daddy to work... you just babble and babble.  The most common sounds for a while were, "ga-li, ga-li, ga-li..."  You say it really fast.  The sounds like how we say "curry" in Chinese.

Our daily routine goes something like this.  You wake up about 6am.  For the past week, I've been bringing you into bed with me.  Daddy actually has been getting you because he has a really hard time listening to you cry, so he gets up much faster to go get you.  When he brings you into our dark room, your legs are kicking and you're doing your cough, cough sounds eager for some milk.  I usually dose off rubbing my cheek next to your soft soft hair.  ... when I touch your hair, whether with my face or my hands, it sends a calm feeling down my back.  I love you so much.  I cannot seem to remember what it was like before you came along.

Then Hannah & Elijah join us all in our bed and we have a snuggle time.  Everyone gets dressed while you have a play time in your crib listening to "Steve Green's, Hide 'em in your heart."  The longest time you've been happy in your crib has so far been about 45 minutes!!  Amazing!  You will usually stay happy for about 30 minutes before I come in and greet you with your first diaper change of the day.

I've decided to change your diaper after your playtime because I usually find a "treasure" after playtime anyway.

Then we go downstairs for breakfast.  These days it's been oatmeal, apple sauce and plain yoghurt.  You eat a really large bowl.  About the same amount as Hannah & Elijah.

At 8:30, it's snowsuits on and out the garage we go.  It's daddy to work and Hannah to school.  And sometimes Elijah to school too.  When we walk past other moms and dads, we almost always get a smile looking at your little face peeking from the pink bundle that's wedged into the navy stroller seat.  Elijah is almost always towering behind standing on his little step on the back.

We get home about 9:10 and it's right away to nap.  I hold your head on my shoulder as I slowly walk upstairs.  It's about the only time of day you will lay your head flat and nuzzle in.  (this was a little tip I got from Nana when she was putting you to bed often.)  With the blinds drawn, I lay you down on your stomach and you almost never fight it.  I click on "waterfall" on the white noise and the door is shut while I have some time with Elijah.

By about 11:00 you wake up for some milk and lunch.  And we are off to the Y where you play and cruise around.  We  come home and it's nap time again.  Elijah and I have been learning chess or playing at this time.  Then once you're up, another nursing time and we are off to get Hannah.

After Hannah gets home, it's cheerios in the high chair and down on the floor crawling and up in Mama's arms, or wherever you're most comfortable until 5:00.  Then it's supper time for you and 6pm is bed time.

You love having a good bath, but it's been tricky to get a bath for you while the rest of us are eating at about 6.  But it's working out ok for you to have a good night's rest, that your little bottom is just doing ok without the nightly bath.

About a week ago, when Auntie Vanessa was here in the evening.  You had cried out at 9pm.  Since you are over 9 months old, I knew it was time to skip that "dream feed."  So with her support, she said, "she's ok."  And I was able to endure about an hour of your crying.  You went back to sleep and you have been just fine with the exception of a few evenings where I stepped in and just fed you.

And that is the busy schedule as the baby of a family of 5.  Your life revolves around all of us, and somehow, we all get to play with you, interact with you and just love on you.. and sometimes a little "too much love" from your brother and sister.  But that's for another day.

A special period with Nana & Papa

written on Nov 17, 2010 from Florida

Looking at some pictures from our time at home in the summer ..........time especially spent with Naomi, as you are writing some thoughts for her..........really brought back the sweet memories of our happy and smiley little Naomi.
First the walks - Papa just loved to take Naomi for walks and stop under the trees and have her watching with awe the moving leaves, especially the big weeping willow on Hazelwood......the branches and leaves hang right down over the sidewalk and Naomi would grab on to those leaves and immediately give them a taste (well, Papa was pretty quick to not let her eat them!)
Naomi loves to swing and would swing in the large red swing at the park on Papa's lap, or the black baby swing by herself, or her own blue shark in the backyard.  It  is amazing how content she would be as she would always swing for long periods of time.
Naomi loved to get into the newspapers!  Even before she could crawl really well, she would 'scoot' as everyone called it, pulling her small body across the floor with her strong little arms..........and head for the newspapers on the bottom shelf of our table downstairs.  We blocked the table with some cushions...... with no success........Naomi simply went around the table and came at those newspapers from the back of the round table!  She would just keep pulling and pulling those newspapers off the shelf til she was done!
Peek!  Carrying Naomi, Nana would stop at the entrance to our apartment, from upstairs, with Naomi. Naomi and Nana would peek around the corner to see where Papa was!  She would be peeking right along with Nana and be excited with her beautiful happy smile when we saw him.
Naomi is the happiest, smiliest baby girl!  When anyone speaks to Naomi she smiles from ear to ear "like a lightbulb".  I (Nana) kept thinking we probably should nickname her "sunshine" or "happy" or some wonderful word that describes her contagious happiness.
Papa and Nana really enjoyed our special time in the mornings in September/October 2010.  Mom (Jen) would drive or walk Hannah and Elijah to school (or the school bus) and Naomi would stand/play in the bouncy seat in our kitchen as we finished our porridge.  Did you know Papa makes porridge for Nana and himself most days of the week!  (a healthy start to each day for sure)  Well Naomi just loved that bouncy seat with all its bells and whistles and she maneuvered them all as she spun herself around the array of fun things for a baby to do.  Nana would then take her upstairs for her breakfast!
Nana gave Naomi many of her nightly baths and got her all clean and cozy and ready for mom's bedtime feeding!  Naomi would be so..............ready for sleep after her bath!  She had  a splashing good time in her little blue tub (the same one Hannah and Elijah used when they were babies), but most of the bathtime was spent trying to reach for the faucet or something else she found interesting in that bathtub (other toys).  Hannah and Elijah would both remind Nana, when they were in the bathroom during this time to "Not take your EYES off her for even a second!"   They were so concerned about her safety.
We are counting the days til we get to spend that special week with Naomi, Hannah, Elijah and mom and dad, too, this coming Christmas season!   What will our sweet little girl be doing by then?  walking?  talking?  We cannot wait to see!
Love, Nana and for Papa