Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Special Season

Next week Nana and Papa leave for Florida.  Their departure will end a special season in your life with them.  Although they will return at Christmas and then April to come back to join us in our life here in Guelph, you will be older and the dynamics will be different.  And that will be the beginning of another season.

For this season, I want to remember the special moments.

Since the beginning of September, we have fallen into a routine.  When I drive everyone to school and work, you stay with Nana and Papa at home.  They first feed you your breakfast and then play and then put you to bed.  They say they like to get you to play hard and tire you out.  Papa loves to put you on their bed while you crawl around.  They play peek with you.  In the afternoons, they take you out for walks.  And often, you'll fall asleep on the walk and when the stroller stops you open your eyes.

Usually, you go downstairs while the rest of us have supper and then Nana brings you up at about 6:35 to give you a bath.  They know your tired signs and know how you go down best.

I will ask Nana and Papa to write some things that they have found special.  But these are what I get second hand.

8 months

You were 8 months before we were ready for it.  And you are an advanced 8 months child.

From your little army scoot to your now high hands crawling, your little body just moves across a room quickly.

Papa likes to tell me all the things you do in the mornings when you spend time with them.  One of those amazing moves is your pulling up to the couch and moving along toward the exersaucer.

You now say "Mama," "num num," "da da," "na na."  And we have also heard many other sounds that sound like you are mimicking speech.  Perhaps you will speak early too?

I've heard you utter something that resembles "hi!" And within context!

How we delight in you our little girl.